Hatha Yoga |
online hatha yoga and pranayama for 30min every day. in Greek.
NOW one more class (online and in person) every Tuesday-Thursday-Friday 8-9am* in English. *6am-7am in UK 7am-8am in most Europian countries. |
Kriya YogaA two-hour class based on meditative breathing and meditation. This class is only for those who have completed the Wholistic Spiritual Training program.
Wholistic Spiritual TrainingA three-year meditation training which includes the stages of Raja Yoga: life practices (yama, niyama), physical postures (asana), energy direction training through breathing (pranayama), detachment (pratyahara), concentration (dharana), meditation (dhyana).
We start new group in ENGLISH from December every Wednesday 7.30-9pm (Greece time). For more info here. See the list with all the graduates here |